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My essay “The Forgotten European: Hermann Platz’s Vision for Peace” was recently published by The European Conservative. Here’s an excerpt from the introduction:

In this day and age, when the alarms of war are once again sounding their mournful message of death—when the postwar vision of a peaceful and united Europe seems as distant as the utopian hopes surrounding the first League of Nations—it might seem strange to write about an obscure German professor of Romance Languages who never held a significant public office until the last few weeks before his death. Hermann Platz was a humble man of grand ideas, yet he never lived to see even the first inklings of his plans unfold, as he died after a botched throat operation. His name has been consigned to the most obscure corner of academic history, forgotten by most of the people whose lives were shaped by his vision. Yet his message of unity and peace founded on man’s supernatural calling endures even today.

Read the whole essay here: https://europeanconservative.com/articles/essay/the-forgotten-european-hermann-platzs-vision-for-peace/